About the humans present

Australian Shepherd's black & white fuzzy face saying hello through a green holiday wreath
Our Australian Shepherd, Cora Bella "Bugs" Bootzalini, says "Hi!"

Hello, I'm Lori. Welcome!

I'm determined to center this life and my work (and future podcast if I can ever get my word-nerdy writer's nerve up) on the center of my people and on my own center. At our core lives wonder, curiosity, humor, playfulness, surprise and delight, generosity, friendship, learning, unlearning, and magic. If that sounds like you to you in some way, then you are my people, and you belong here. For me personally, my center is mostly about wonder.

Wonder is a remarkable held-and-floating-free-within-the-mystery feeling that we must be open and vulnerable to fully experience no matter how old we are. To many of us, the feeling of wonder appears to be triggered by something external to us. Something that surprises and delights us. I've learned that wonder actually lives within us, at our center, as earthlings, and communities, and families, and individuals. We can let wonder out and spread it around our world, not just drink wonder in, although that's fun too. Because we hold wonder within us, over time we can become strong enough to hold a whole planet full of loss and grief together too. It's both/and here with me/us, almost all the time. Not everybody likes this, and that's ok. Your experience will be different than mine, thank goodness.

In our experience here, if you want to continue to experience wonder as you grow and age and change (I'm 54 now with wonder mentors of all ages and species), you don't get a choice about this. You have to become ever more open to the whole of human experience, which includes becoming more open to the pain and suffering of more and more beings, if you want to keep experiencing wonder too. This means eventually learning to be and do whatever it takes to look straight at– and name out loud and learn to hold and be willing to accept all consequences of honesty about– loss, pain, suffering, death, rage, grief, and cruelty. Being able to hold all the pain and all the loss of this planet is part of what staying centered on wonder– for life– means. To still feel wonder at 30, and at 50, 75, and 100, we have to be willing to hold it all, together.

So yes, here at Wonders Never Cease we center on wonder. But that doesn't mean what a lot of people think it means. If you believe that you can somehow keep feeling wonder without also feeling all the rest of what life brings to your neighbors, I'm likely to make you angry. That's also ok. I'm not for everyone. Not yet anyway. ;-)

We're so grateful and humbled and thrilled to get to walk beside all of this planet's wonder kin. We will never stop using the word magic to describe who and what we all love here. Magic is real and within us and all around us too. Even here. Even now. Perhaps especially now as we watch chronic isolation and fear of life on earth, and the systemic abuse created in its wake, drain away, having failed so completely at touching the wonder at our core and the magic all around us.

About this site

Wonders Never Cease is an independent publication launched in January 2025 by Lori Kane. If you subscribe for free today, you'll get access to several stories a month on the website and an occasional email about new content. If you become a supporting community member ($6/month or $60/year for a 17% savings) or founding member, you'll receive all stories on the website, a weekly email newsletter about new content, become able to join the community discussion in the comments, and receive whatever else we come up with as we grow. Supporting and founding members help Lori and her family to eat, pay their bills, keep creating, and continue to exist. Thank you!

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